Google Properties Breakdown ~ Encyclopedia - Online Marketing With Google Yahoo MSN

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Google Properties Breakdown

We all know that Google's strength is in search - but how dominant is search compared with other Google properties and where is Google's growth coming from? The following table shows the top 20 Google properties based on share of US Internet visits last week. I created the table using a Hitwise Custom Category so the market share figure is based on the share of visits within that category of Google properties.

As you can see, Google's online presence is still dominated very much by search, accounting for 70.10% of visits to the top Google properties last week. (I should mention that Google has changed their URL structure so that Google Product (Froogle) is now counted as part of

I took a look at what Google properties are growing fastest. I was amazed to see that and YouTube traffic continue to experience strong growth. Google ranked #1 and YouTube #10 last week in share of US Internet visits. Market share of US Internet visits to Google were up 20% year on year last week and YouTube's visits were up 19%. YouTube's growth is due in part to a corresponding decline in visits to Google Video (down 57% year on year last week).

A number of properties in this top 20 have seen their traffic more than double year on year, including Google Maps, Blogger, Google Groups, Google Calendar, Picassa Web,

Properties seeing a decline in traffic were Google Video (-57%), Orkut (-15%), Google Pack (-32%) and Google Toolbar (-31%).


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