Search Engine Demographics - Google, Yahoo and MSN ~ Encyclopedia - Online Marketing With Google Yahoo MSN

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Search Engine Demographics - Google, Yahoo and MSN

It’s amazing to think that search engines can calculate the gender % of users and their age. But it’s true and recent studies have shown interesting statistics.

A recent study carried out by Hitwise showed that 55% of Google users are male, whereas 58% of MSN users were female. Did you know that paid search listings are most likely to be clicked on my females and organic ads are most likely by males.

Click on Organic Ads Clicked on Paid Ads

Women 56.9% 43.1%

Men 65.4% 34.6%

Google and Yahoo are used mostly by users who are under the age of 34 while MSN is used widely by users who are over 55. Visitors to Google sites are 42% more likely to buy online than the average internet user.

Google, Yahoo and MSN combined make up 85-90% of all searches made by internet users today.

Let’s not forget Ask and AOL who apparently are favourites with the female user….


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, nice article. I have some news too. is now replaced in place of with much more facilities and functionalities by Arbel Hakopian the creator of both search engines. From now on we should use (Google, Yahoo, Live, Ask, AOL, Dogpile, Altavista...) for searching.